District Court

Name Title Phone Email
Jaime Talbot Clerk of District Court (406) 822-3538 jtalbot@mt.gov
Keanan Taylor Deputy Clerk of Court (406) 822-3538 Keanan.taylor@mt.gov

Clerk of District Court

This office keeps the official records for the Montana Fourth Judicial District Court, Mineral County.

The Clerk of the District Court maintains the court docket, receives and processes fines and fees, and files legal documents on the following types of cases: felony criminal, juvenile, civil, adoption, dependent neglected youth, guardianship, probate, and sanity cases. This office also collects child support payments and criminal fines and fees.

You can apply for a marriage license, or pick up passport applications here.

This office is responsible for calling juries for criminal and civil trials.

Our mailing address is:

Clerk of District Court, P.O. Box 129, Superior, MT 59872

Case Types Handled in District Court:

  • Criminal – Felony
  • Juvenile/Youth Court
  • Civil
  • Dissolution and Parenting Plans
  • Probate
  • Guardianship
  • Adoption
  • Dependent/Neglect Child Cases


Jury service is for a term of 1 year, July 1 to June 30. Questionaires will be mailed to the jury pool in June or July of each year. It is important to return your jury questionaires to the Clerk of Court within the 7 days allowed. From this pool of jurors, a random selection will be pulled for a jury trial. A jury questionaire can be found here: Jury Questionaire.

Marriage License

The Marriage License Application (Here) needs to be filled out (fields 5a through 15d, 35 a, b, c) and brought into the office, faxed, or emailed. Do not sign the application until asked to do so by the Clerk of Court. Both parties must be 18 years of age or older. If you are 16 or 17 years old, you may marry only with the permission of the parents and after pre-marital counseling, and approval by a District Court Judge. The counseling must be at least 2 sessions, ten days apart, before applying for the license.

Both applicants must come to the Clerk of Court’s Office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, to review and sign the application. The cost of the license is $53.00. Each certified copy of the license will be $7.00.

Forms & Documents

District court forms and information can be found at www.courts.mt.gov  . We also have a Public Portal to search cases, and find upcoming calendars on that same website.

Packet “A” — Joint Dissolution (without children)

Packet “B” — Joint Dissolution (with children)

Packet “C-1” & “C-2” — Dissolution without Children

Packet “D” — Response Dissolution without Children

Packet “E” — Dissolution with Children

Packet “F” — Response Dissolution with Children

Packet “G” — Default Packet – Dissolution

Packet “H” — Permanent Parenting Plan

Packet “I” — Response to Petition for Permanent Parenting Plan

Packet “J” — Default Packet – Parenting Plan

Packet “K” — Transfer of Order of Protection Packet

Packet “L” — Filing a Motion in a Divorce Matter

Packet “M” — Filing a Motion in a Parenting Matter

Packet “O” — Joint Petition for Permanent Parenting Plan

Packet “P” — Guardianship of a Minor

Packet “Q” — Step-Parent Adoption Packet

Packet “S” — Asking the Court to Change Your Parenting Plan

Packet “T” — Removal of Guardianship