Name | Title | ||
Jenn Donovan, RN | Director/Public Health Nurse | ||
Tisha Kohlmeyer | Administrative Assistant/Billing | ||
Barb Jasper, RN | Public Health Nurse/School Nurse | ||
Amy Hengel, RN | Public Health Nurse/School Nurse | ||
Amy Parks | MS, MPH, MCHES Community Health Specialist, Public Health Emergency Preparedness, Health Officer | ||
Melanie Batt | Clinical Investigator and Communications Coordinator | ||
Janet Smith | Parents as Teachers Family Engagement Specialist/Certified Lactation Counselor/Child Passenger Safety Technician/Birthing Doula/Child Birth Educator/Tobacco Prevention Specialist | ||
Laura Acker | Parents as Teachers Family Engagement Specialist/Certified Lactation Counselor/Child Passenger Safety Technician/Birthing Doula/ Child Birth Educator | ||
Jackie Allard | Parents as Teachers Family Engagement Specialist/Certified Lactation Counselor/Child Passenger Safety Technician/Birthing Doula/Child Birth Educator/Tobacco Prevention Specialist | ||
April Quinlan | Parents as Teachers Supervisor/Healthy Communities Coalition Facilitator/Grant Coordinator | ||
Jessica Schaak | Parent Liaison Supervisor/Zero to Five Grant Coordinator |
Health Department
Mineral County Health Department is committed to promoting optimal health, supporting disease prevention and improving access to health services through an actively engaged community supported by quality Public Health services. The staff at MCHD are committed to ensuring the best possible health outcomes for the residents of Mineral County. Please refer to our contact page to get in touch with the right person for your needs.
Car Seat Installation Station
Nationally certified technicians are on staff to teach parents and caregivers all they can do to prevent unintentional injuries in and around cars. Call (406)822-3564 to schedule the following:
- Learn how to install your child’s car seat or booster seat
- Check that your child is in the proper size car seat or booster seat
- Receive a new car seat or booster seat free of charge
Call today to schedule an appointment 406-822-3564
Communicable Disease
Prevention: There are many ways to prevent the spread of disease. Vaccinations have helped eliminate or greatly reduce disease threats. Proper handwashing, especially before and after handling food and using the toilet, helps keep germs at bay. Other important ways to slow or stop disease transmission are by ensuring the food we eat and water we drink is safe, avoiding people who are sick, and practicing safe sex.
Some diseases spread from one person to another while others can spread from animal to person. Some are spread through the air, by touch, or through bodily fluids. Some diseases may produce mild symptoms; others can be lethal. Communicable diseases are passed between people by having direct contact with an infected person, contact with an infected person’s fluids, or indirectly by a vector (a tick or mosquito). The Communicable Disease Program at MCHD works with local healthcare providers to prevent, identify, and limit the spread of those diseases. The state of Montana requires local health departments to follow-up on over 40 different diseases/conditions (see Reportable Disease List below).
Depending on the disease, our goal may be to identify the source of infection, identify high-risk contacts, facilitate treatment, and/or provide education to the public. There are many reasons you may receive a call from a communicable disease specialist:
- Identification of community exposures. For reportable food borne illnesses it is important to ensure there is not a common food source causing illness. We will ask for a list of foods eaten, recreational water and animal exposure. The information from ill contacts and results from stool samples help gather evidence to point to potential sources.
- Identifying high-risk contacts. Depending on the disease, we may be able to protect people who are at high risk for complications. For example, when we call someone with pertussis we will ask about their contact with children under 12 months, pregnant women, or immunocompromised people. We can get in touch with those people and talk with their providers about prophylactic antibiotics.
- Prevention and education. Some diseases such a malaria and Lyme disease are not found in Montana. We will ask people about travel to other states and countries so CDC can have accurate data about where people are getting sick with diseases.
- To keep diseases from spreading. The Food Code mandates food workers to not prepare or serve food when they are sick with certain diseases. For example, if you are a food worker and diagnosed with salmonella we can work with you and your job so your supervisor understands what work you are able to do until you are no longer contagious. An outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease in a school or daycare setting may require children who are not vaccinated to be excluded until there is no longer transmission of the disease in that setting.
- Animal bite investigations. We investigate all animal bites reported to us in order to protect the public from the threat of rabies. Rabies is a serious disease that affects animals and humans and can result in death if left untreated. It is commonly associated with wild animals such as raccoons, skunk, bats, foxes and coyotes. The disease can spread to people and pets when the saliva from a rabid animal enters the body by way of a bite or a scratch, or through contact with the eyes, nose or mouth. Rabies is very preventable. Investigations are carried out in an effort to minimize human exposure to the disease. We strive to educate our communities on the importance of vaccinating our pets, avoiding contact with wildlife and strays, and reporting all animal bite and exposure incidents to our office. We work closely with animal owners, people who have been bitten or scratched by an animal, local law enforcement and town officers, and health care providers to make sure our community members remain safe.
Links with more information:
- Confidentiality
- Epidemiology
- Foodborne/Waterborne Illness
- Latent Tuberculosis
- Rabies Exposure and Control Measures
- Regulations and Reporters per ARM
- MCHD Reportable Diseases 11-23.doc
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
Are you a health care provider needing to report a confirmed or suspect case of a communicable disease?
- Please call (406) 822-3564 or fax (406) 822-3745.
- If you need to reach the Mineral County Health Dept after hours to report an urgent public health matter:<br/ >Call the Mineral County Sheriff’s office at 406.822.3555.
Respiratory Virus (COVID-19, Influenza, and RSV):
On March 1, 2024, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released community respiratory virus guidance, including COVID-19, influenza, and RSV. Currently, these updates do not pertain to healthcare settings. Employees in healthcare settings should continue to adhere to healthcare-specific COVID-19 guidelines issued by the CDC. For information on infection prevention and control guidance in healthcare settings, visit of Key Changes:
- 5-day isolation no longer required for COVID-19.
- Two negative tests taken 48-hours apart no longer required for discontinuing mask usage days 6-10.
Individuals who are sick with COVID-19, influenza, RSV, or an unknown viral respiratory illness should stay home and away from others while ill. Symptoms of these conditions may include fever, chills, sore throat, cough, fatigue, runny nose, body aches, and headaches. Individuals may return to their normal activities (e.g., work, school, sports) when they have had improved symptoms AND have been fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of a fever-reducing medication. If an individual’s symptoms return, they should repeat the process of staying at home and away from others until they have improved symptoms AND are fever free for at least 24 hours.
Individuals are encouraged to take precautions for 5 days after they return to their normal activities to help prevent the spread of these conditions to others. These precautions include increased hygiene measures (e.g., hand washing and using disposable tissues to sneeze/cough into), masking, maintaining physical distance, and/or testing if you will be around others while indoors.
Testing for COVID-19 after an infection may help an individual determine if they can still spread the virus. A positive test means that a person may still be able to spread the virus, so they should continue to take the precautions above until they test negative.
For more information, visit:
Community Health
Community health is the collective well-being of community members. In addition to living in the same neighborhood or region, these populations often share health characteristics, ethnicities, and socioeconomic conditions.
Public health professionals engaged in community health identify how variables related to socioeconomic status — such as income levels, nutrition, crime, and transportation resources — impact people. They also determine how the community’s medical and educational resources contribute to residents’ lifestyles and what improvements are called for. Key elements of community health include:
- Identifying top public health concerns within the specific geographic area, such as environmental and social factors that affect healthy life choices.
- Developing an intervention plan to address resource gaps in the community, such as establishing community health centers, mobile clinics, and outreach programs.
- Educating residents on the benefits of preventive care and healthy behaviors to facilitate life changes.
- Providing essential services such as screenings, social support, and counseling.
- Helping residents gain access to resources such as affordable medical, dental, and mental health care services; insurance (Medicare or Medicaid enrollment); translation and transportation services; or housing, food, and education.
- Reducing the need for expensive emergency care and hospitalizations.
- Advocating for improved care for at-risk populations to state and federal policymakers.
- Working with other community agencies to address the area’s mental, physical, cultural, and social characteristics, including nutrition, housing, and transportation.
Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing
MCHD is excited to offer free testing for the following sexually transmitted infections: Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis. If you are experiencing any symptoms, please contact your healthcare provider. If you don’t have symptoms and would like to be routinely screened for any of the above infections, there are two ways you can get tests.
- You can order free tests HERE and have them sent to an address of your choice. You will collect the samples yourself and send back to the lab. You will be notified of the result by MCHD.
- You can call MCHD at 822-3564 and schedule a time to come to the office to pick up free tests. MCHD can assist you with taking the tests and getting them sent back to the lab. You will be notified of the result by MCHD.
You can call MCHD if you are unsure if you should be tested. There is information below on recommendations for testing, but we are also here to help you figure out what is best for you and your situation.
- Who should be tested? CDC STI Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening Recommendations
- HIV:
- Everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 should be tested for HIV at least once as part of routine health care
- For people with certain risk factors, CDC recommends getting tested at least once a year
- HCV:
- Hepatitis C screening at least once in a lifetime for all adults aged 18 years and older
- Hepatitis C testing for all pregnant people during each pregnancy
- People with HIV
- People who ever injected drugs and shared needles, syringes, or other drug preparation equipment, including those who injected once or a few times many years ago
- People with selected medical conditions, including:
- people who ever received maintenance hemodialysis
- people with persistently abnormal ALT levels
- Prior recipients of transfusions or organ transplants, including:
- people who received clotting factor concentrates produced before 1987
- people who received a transfusion of blood or blood components before July 1992
- people who received an organ transplant before July 1992
- people who were notified that they received blood from a donor who later tested positive for HCV infection
- Chlamydia and Gonorrhea:
- Sexually active women under 25 years of age
- Sexually active women 25 years of age and older if at increased risk
- All pregnant women under 25 years of age
- Pregnant women 25 years of age and older if at increased risk
- At least annually for sexually active Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) at sites of contact (urethra, rectum) regardless of condom use
- Every 3 to 6 months if at increased risk (i.e., MSM on PrEP, with HIV infection, or if they or their sex partners have multiple partners)
- Transgender and Gender Diverse Persons- Screening recommendations should be adapted based on anatomy, (i.e., annual, routine screening for chlamydia in cisgender women < 25 years old should be extended to all transgender men and gender diverse people with a cervix. If over 25 years old, persons with a cervix should be screened if at increased risk.)
- Persons with HIV
- More frequent screening might be appropriate depending on individual risk behaviors and the local epidemiology.
- Syphilis:
- All pregnant women at the first prenatal visit
- Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM) at least annually for sexually active MSM
- Every 3 to 6 months if at increased risk
- Screen asymptomatic adults at increased risk (history of incarceration or transactional sex work, geography, race/ethnicity, and being a male younger than 29 years) for syphilis infection
- Transgender and Gender Diverse People- Consider screening at least annually based on reported sexual behaviors and exposure
- Persons with HIV
- HIV:
More frequent screening might be appropriate depending on individual risk behaviors and the local epidemiology
Emergency Preparedness
Public Health emergencies can arise anywhere. Infectious disease, natural and man-made disasters, including terrorism, can impact Mineral County at any time. Our local emergency preparedness program works to prepare for and respond to health emergencies, coordinate local surveillance and response systems, and keep Mineral County citizens informed of any public health related emergencies.
Family and Pregnancy Resources
Family Connections Collaborative (FCC)
The Family Connections Collaborative (FCC) is primarily funded by the Headwaters Foundation and provides services and support to children and families in Mineral County. Led by a Design Team of nine individuals, it is of the utmost importance to the FCC to work for our community in determining innovative and creative ways to define and address positive parenting. Through our efforts, we hope to improve outcomes for young children and build a strong, supportive system for families.
Currently the FCC operates numerous initiatves, all of which are free of charge and available to all Mineral County families. Programs include the Parent Liaison Program, which provides support to families at each of the three Mineral County schools, universal Home Visiting for families, doula services, birthing and parenting classes, and parent mental health consultations. The FCC also hosts family events throughout the year, and supports a Circle of Parents group for Mineral County moms and Mineral County’s Healthy Communities Coalition.
In addition, the FCC provides funding for Imagination Library for Mineral County families, scholarships for professionals and parents pursuing training related to early childhood or parent support, classroom resources for teachers throughout Mineral County, and event scholarships for organizations hosting events for young children and families.
For more information or to find out how you can get involved in the FCC, please reach out to Jessica Schaak at or April Quinlan at or contact either at (406) 822-3564.
Maternal Child Health
We offer Developmental Screenings, Women Infant and Children (WIC) Nutrition Services, Immunizations, Communicable Disease Counseling, Parents as Teachers Home Visiting Services and Group Connections (family events and activities), Birthing Doula Services, Birth Education Classes, and Infant Feeding Support (breastfeeding/pumping/chest feeding and formula).
Parents as Teachers
Parents as Teachers is a family engagement program. This program is free and available to all Mineral County families during pregnancy and with children ages newborn through kindergarten completion. Our certified parent educators support parents/caregivers in their roles as their child’s first and most important teacher by providing the following: Family engagement activities; child screenings including vision, hearing, and both physical and social emotional development; and family/community resource connections. Our program strives to support families with tools and resources needed to anticipate child development needs and approach parenting with confidence.
See this video for more information on the Mineral County PAT program.
Visit the following websites and Facebook page for more program information:
Program Highlights
- Personalized Family Visits Consist of:
- Individualized child and parent activities
- Child development information
- Community Resource Information
- Family Goal Setting
- Developmental Screenings – Performed annually, as needed, or by request
- Vision
- Hearing
- Ages and Stages Development Screening
- Social Emotional Screenings
- Resources
- Access to the Mineral County Resource Network
- Goal Setting
- Parent Educators work with parents to set both individual and family goals and provide support in meeting those goals.
- Group Connections
- Community events for parents and children.
- Provided throughout the year. See Facebook page for updates on events.
Mineral County Health Department offers ACIP recommended childhood immunizations and some adult vaccinations. Immunizations are an important for individual health and safety and disease prevention in our community. We offer the federally-funded vaccine program (Vaccines for Children – VFC) available to children who are not insured or underinsured. Please call 406-822-3564 for an appointment. We request that you bring your immunization record to all appointments.
Screening Questionnaire for Teen Vaccinations
Adult vaccine screening form
New patient face sheet
Consent and health screening
Montana Tobacco Use Prevention Program
- The goal of the Montana Tobacco Use Prevention Program is to reduce disease, disability, and death related to tobacco use by:
- Preventing tobacco use among young people;
- Eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke;
- Eliminating disparities related to tobacco use and its effects among certain population groups; and
- Promoting quitting among adults and young people.
Public Health Accreditation Board Pathways Program
The Mineral County Health Department believes in quality and accountability. We are working toward acknowledgement from PHAB through streamlining internal processes demonstrating adherence with best practices for our community members. Please read the following description in this link to see why this is so very important to us and the health of our community:
School Nursing Services
All three school districts in Mineral County contract for nursing services through the Mineral County Health Department. Contact your local school today to visit with your school nurse to enhance the health and safety of your child during the school day.
Alberton School (406) 722- 4413
Saint Regis School (406) 649-2311
Superior School (406) 822-3600
- Permission for Medication – Over the Counter
- Permission for Medication – Prescription
- Asthma Quick Relief Bronchodilator Form
- Anaphylaxis Action Plan
- Diabetes Medical Management Plan- Pump
- Diabetes Medical Management Plan- Injections
- Diabetes Algorithm
- Seizure Action Plan
Educational Information
- Montana School and Childcare Immunization Requirements
- AAP: When your child should stay home
- AAP: When to keep your child home from school from child care
- School Wellness Tips and Illnesses
Head Lice and Nits
- Head Lice Information
- Kids Health – Lice
- Health
- YouTube video of combing method (2:25-5:57)
- *Disclaimer: This resource isn’t intended to promote any one product. With whatever product you choose, make sure to follow product instructions carefully.
MCHD offers this supplemental nutrition program for income-eligible families, pregnant through age five. Services include healthy food, nutrition information, breastfeeding support, and connection to community resources. Call 406-822-3564 to schedule an appointment.
Job Openings
There are no openings at this time
Applications accepted until position is filled
Forms & Documents
- February 2023 Newsletter Heart Health
- March 2023 Newsletter National Nutrition Month
- April 2023 Newsletter Strengthening Families
- May 2023 Newsletter Lets get active
- June 2023 Newsletter Recreational Water Illnesses
- July 2023 Newsletter Summertime in Montana
- August 2023 Newsletter National Immunization Awareness Month
- September 2023 Newsletter National Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month
- October 2023 Newsletter – Bullying Prevention Month.pdf
- November 2023 – Family and School Engagement.pdf
- December 2023 Newsletter – Diabetes.pdf